Stroke Fundamentals
Know that your swimmers need to improve their skills to keep getting faster?
Struggling to make that happen?
Keep reading…
The reality is that fast swimmers are GOOD swimmers.
They’re skilled swimmers.
To help swimmers go fast, we have to help them improve their skills.
And that’s where things get tough.
With the right knowledge and the right approach, skills CAN improve.
Often dramatically.
It just takes the right approach.
The first step is knowing which skills they have to improve.
There is a LOT of information out there about what skills swimmers need to improve.
It can be difficult to know where it to start.
The solution isn’t more information.
It’s better information and clearer information.
That way, you know WHAT needs to happen.
You know HOW to make it happen.
The answer is a simple approach focused on the fundamentals.
The purpose of Stroke Fundamentals is to provide clarity.
In my BOOK, I talked a lot about the big picture strategies for improving skills.
But I didn't talk as much about the specific skills swimmers need to learn in each stroke.
And I didn't provide many specific strategies to make that happen.
That's where Stroke Fundamentals comes in.
It's going to be a lot easier to help swimmers go fast when you know exactly what they need to improve.
Here's what's included...
I'll show you the fundamental principles of fast swimming.
I'll show you how they apply to each stroke.
We'll cover:
The key aspects of each stroke
The fundamental building blocks of speed
The skills that create speed across all strokes
There will be plenty of videos so that you can actually start to see these skills.
Body position and alignment, pulling and kicking, timing.
It's all there.
That way you can understand how these skills create speed.
You can SEE these skills so you can help YOUR swimmers swim fast.
It’s much easier to start designing training sessions when you have a clear understanding of what REALLY matters.
There’s no more confusion.
You'll understand exactly what you need to know.
Once you understand the key skills, you ARE an expert.
And if you already are an expert, you'll learn to stay focused on what really matters.
But you don't just want to know what needs to happen.
You want to know HOW to make it happen.
I show you my favorite strategies for developing the fundamental skills.
I show you why they work.
I show you how to use them.
These strategies work across all ages and ability levels.
I'll still provide you with guidance for how to tweak your approach depending on who you're working with.
It's geared toward learning the fundamental skills in ways that allow swimmers to figure out the best solution for them and their current skills.
There's a section on troubleshooting skills.
I show you how to determine if you what you're doing is working.
I'll provide you with lots of strategies for doing different variations of the same exercises.
That way you can make sure practice doesn't get monotonous even though you're working on the same skills.
Everything is designed to help you help your swimmers go faster.
When you have effective tools for developing the key skills, you have the knowledge you need to create change and help swimmers go fast.
All you have to do is decide which skills you want to develop.
And start using the appropriate activities.
All while training hard.
I provide you with some basic strategies for integrating these activities into your training sets.
That means you'll know how to use these activities.
You'll be equipped with the tools to help swimmers develop their skills and swim fast.
You’ll know exactly what skills need to be improved.
And you’ll know how to develop those skills as part of your workouts.
As a bonus, you’ll get the following:
To make sure you can visualize and see the key skills, video files describing the fundamental skills
Unlisted YouTube links to the videos so you can watch them anywhere
To make sure you know what needs to happen during each drill, video files for all drills
To make sure you can quickly choose the appropriate training activities, skill and drill checklists with links to accompanying unlisted YouTube videos
To make sure you know how to create effective sets, 20+ sets per stroke putting these ideas into practice
To make sure you understand how to create your own sets, video descriptions of the sets, both in file format and unlisted YouTube videos
To make sure you can make get more out of any set you design, strategies for building skills in any stroke
I want to provide you with all the information you need to improve your swimmers’ skills.
The focus is on skills that build speed.
If you’re tired of not knowing which skills to develop, or how to develop them, check out the Stroke Fundamental series.
And these resources come with a 100% lifetime guarantee.
If you're ever unhappy with your purchase, I'll refund your money no questions asked.
There's no risk.
There's no reason not to get started.
If want to improve your swimmers' skills across every stroke, you can get all 5 strokes for only $109.
You'll get everything you need to take all your swimmers' skills to the next level, for less than half the price of all the books.
And if you learn one thing that helps your swimmers' go faster, that's going to keep them engaged in the sport, having fun, and happy to be part of your team.
That's worth a whole lot more than $109.
Grab your copies NOW!
Keep it simple…
How is the information provided?
To make sure you understand exactly what skills are important, and you understand the skills, I provide written descriptions and videos of swimmers executing the key skills. During the videos, I describe what’s happening, so you have an even better sense of the skills. Same thing with all the skill development exercises. I describe them, I show them, and I explain them. That way you know what to do and how to do it.
For what age and abilities levels is this information designed for?
While this isn’t designed to help swimmers learn to swim for the first time, it’s intended to be used when coaching swimmers of all abilities. If they can swim legal strokes, they’ll benefit. The skills of fast swimming are the same for all swimmers of all ages. This is particularly true as I focus on the fundamental principles that universally build speed. All swimmers need to get better and better at executing the key skills, and certain strategies are more effective than others.
Even if you coach really novice swimmers, it’s important to have a rock-solid understanding of where they need to get to eventually. You need to know the strategies that will be most effective to get there. In terms of the solutions designed to improve these skills, the vast majority can be performed by swimmers of all ages and ability levels. While there are more difficult exercises, most can be performed by those capable of executing legal strokes.
What if I’m not sure how to put this into practice?
I show you which strategies to use to improve each skill. There’s also a section on basic set design to show you how to use these strategies when creating sets. There are also 20+ training sets per stroke so you can see examples of what effective sets look like. You’ll have information you need to get started, and then you’ll be able use your skill as a coach to continue to innovate and design sets to help your swimmers.
Is this a physical book?
No. The written documents are PDF files that you can read on any device. Within each PDF, there are links to unlisted YouTube videos so that you have access to all the different videos wherever you are. I am also including all the ‘hard copy’ video files so that you have access to them offline.
Is IM training covered?
The specific strokes are covered in detail, as are the strategies to improve those skills. While improving an individual stroke will help with the IM, specific IM training is not covered. If you would like to see an overview of how I approach IM training, you can watch a YouTube video HERE.
Are dryland exercises covered?
No. The focus is on the skills in the water and how to improve those skills with water training. While I believe that dryland is important, I am keeping the information focused to the work that takes place in the water.
Are turns covered?
Improving starts and turns is a topic in and of itself, and that requires its own dedicated attention. The focus here is on improving speed in the 5 strokes. Starts and turn will be covered in the future.
I am a swimmer that does not have a coach. Will this information help me?
While the information is written for coaches, it provides clear information about the important skills swimmers must develop to improve their speed. The exercises involved are also designed to minimize the amount of ‘coaching’ that is required. In that respect, the information can be of value to a self-coached athlete, and you should learn multiple ways to improve. However, it is not necessarily designed for that purpose.
Refund Policy
This product has a lifetime guarantee. If you are not 100% satisfied with your investment, simply let us know and we will refund your money in an expedient manner. No questions asked.
If you're on the fence, you might as well see if Stroke Fundamentals is right for you.