Building The Key Skills
Volume I
The more propulsion swimmers can create, the faster they will go.
Your swimmers are going to be at a significant disadvantage if they aren’t producing enough.
Struggling to improve this key skill?
Having trouble making it work in a team setting while getting the work in?
Keep reading…
If you want your swimmers to go faster, they have to learn how to create more propulsion.
It’s a skill that directly leads to faster swimming.
And more propulsion is better.
Focusing on helping swimmers create more propulsion seems simple.
And it IS simple.
But just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s easy.
Constantly correcting and re-correcting skills is hard.
Trying to get swimmers to focus on their skills during intense training is hard.
If you’re working on isolated skills without building skilll development into your training program, it’s REALLY hard.
Fortunately, there’s a better way.
If we can identify the principles that lead to propulsion, we’ll have concepts that apply to all swimmers and all strokes.
If we can identify strategies that develop these propulsion principles, then we have strategies that apply across all the strokes.
And help all swimmers.
And can be used in hard training.
There’s some information about how certain drills or skills can help swimmers create more propulsion.
But it’s NOT organized into any sort of system that consistently and reliably helps swimmers create more propulsion.
There’s no comprehensive approach to put it all together in a way that's simple and easy to add to what you’re already doing.
That’s why I created Building The Key Skills Volume I Propulsion.
It covers everything you need to know about helping swimmers learn how to create propulsion.
You’ll learn exactly what swimmers need to do create as much propulsion as possible.
You’ll learn the most effective strategies for developing those skills.
You’ll learn how to create sets that put it all together.
We'll cover:
The Key Principles Of Propulsion
You’ll learn what swimmers absolutely must do if they want to create as much propulsion as possible.
This will greatly simplify your approach to helping swimmers learn these skills.
Rather than focusing on all the details, we’ll focus on the big picture of what really matters.
Doing so will make it easier to quickly identify opportunities for improvement in skill as swimmers go through their workouts.
Propulsion Building Skill Development Strategies
You’ll learn how performance strategies and sensory strategies are key for helping swimmers improve propulsive skills.
We'll cover the different types of strategies within both categories, as well as the different variations of each strategy.
The focus is on how to apply these strategies.
Importantly, these are strategies that you can use in large groups AND while getting the work in.
That means you can eliminate two of the major challenges with skill development.
Set Design Framework
While strategies are critical, they have to be implemented into sets that swimmers actually do.
In particular, effective strategies need to be integrated into the training sets you know help your swimmers develop the fitness they need.
When you can design effective sets, swimmers will learn the skills they need to swim fast while developing the fitness necessary to race effectively.
Building The Key Skills Volume I Propulsion is THE resource for helping your swimmers learn how to create more propulsion.
To make sure you have everything you need to be successful, as a bonus, you’ll get the following:
70+ sets to provide practical examples of how to build propulsion principles into workouts
The sets cover all five strokes during speed training, endurance training, race training, and skill training
To make sure you understand the thought process behind each set, videos explaining what’s happening in each set and why
4 separate set writing checklists so that you have multiple strategies to create sets that help your swimmers improve their propulsive skills
If you make the decision to invest in Building The Key Skills Volume I Propulsion before Monday March 24th at 9:00 PM Eastern time, I’m going to add 8 special bonus checklists.
These checklists quickly summarize many of the concepts and strategies that I show you.
That way you have easy access to all the effective strategies when you’re designing sets to help your swimmers create more propulsion and create more speed.
You’ll get:
A checklist for each performance strategy that provides swimmers with the concrete goals and objective feedback they need to improve
A checklist for each sensory strategy that helps each swimmer feel and better execute propulsive skills
Each checklist provides a summary of why a given strategy is effective and how to use it optimally
It’s all about having easy access to practical tools that you can use to help your swimmers right away.
Whenever you have a question or you need a new idea, you can quickly use the checklists for support.
And then immediately take new ideas into your workouts.
I use these checklists ALL the time.
My goal is to equip you with all the tools you need to help your swimmers learn how to create more propulsion.
It’s not about having a quick fix.
It’s about having a system of solutions that gives you the best chance to make changes that lead to faster swimming.
Normally priced at $69, Building The Key Skills Volume I Propulsion will be available for only $39 until Monday March 24th at 9:00 PM Eastern time.
You’ll have everything you need to know about how to help your swimmers create more propulsion.
And if you only learn ONE thing that consistently helps your swimmers improve faster, that’s going to be worth a whole lot more than $39.
PLUS, when you purchase Building The Key Skills Volume I Propulsion, you can grab a copy of How To Use Drills for $20 off!
In How To Use Drills, I cover how to implement skill development strategies into sets and workouts that optimize skill development.
While I certainly cover how to how to build skill development strategies into your workout in Building The Key Skills Volume I Propulsion, How To Use Drills takes that information to the next level.
That way you have ALL the strategies for increasing propulsion AND all the tools to use those strategies optimally.
AND you can grab a copy of How To Use Stroke Counts for $20 off to learn more about how to effectively use one of the best skill development strategies there is.
Stroke Counts are KEY for helping swimmers learn how to create more propulsion.
While I cover them in great detail in Building The Key Skills Volume I Propulsion, How To Use Stroke Counts shows you EVERYTHING you need to know about how to use stroke counts.
To recap…
If swimmers can learn to create more propulsion, they WILL go faster.
The singular goal of Building The Key Skills Volume I Propulsion is to help your swimmers learn to create more propulsion.
You’ll have everything you need to know about how to make that happen, and how to help your swimmers go faster.
Keep it simple…
What are the main topics to be covered?
I describe the key principles of how swimmers create propulsion. I show you what those principles look like in action. Then I cover ALL the strategies you can use to help swimmers learn to create more propulsion. I demonstrate the different ways these strategies can be used. I provide you with a simple framework for writing sets using theses strategies. I provide dozens of examples of sets that you can use to learn from, implement directly in your workouts, or modify for your swimmers.
Are stroke specific strategies discussed?
Fortunately, the principles of propulsion are foundational and apply to all strokes. Since the strategies are based upon the principles, the strategies apply equally to all strokes. Drills are one of the strategies, so stroke specific drills are suggested. The remaining strategies are all effective independent of which stroke a set is designed to improve. You may find that you prefer using different strategies for different strokes, or you prefer to use the strategies in different ways for different strokes.
Are videos included?
Yes, the principles will be described and explained in written text. They will then be shown via videos of elite swimmers performing all the strokes. The goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of what swimmers need to do to create as much propulsion as possible.
Will the example sets be explained?
While seeing example sets is helpful, understanding the reasoning behind those sets is even more helpful. For each set, I’ve included a short video where I walk through the components of the set, why they’re included, and what swimmers should be focused on. When you understand the why behind the set, it’s easier to then modify existing sets or create your own. Sets for all the strategies are included.
What if I’m not sure how to put this into practice?
This is a practical manual, not a theoretical one. While I certainly explain the why behind everything, the goal is to help you USE these ideas. There are clear strategies and clear progressions. There are a LOT of examples that you can either use right away or use as inspiration for designing your own sets. The purpose of this information is specifically to show you how to put it into practice.
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