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Sep 29, 2020
Principles Before Philosophy Part I
Coaches are often asked about their coaching philosophy. In essence, they’re asked what they believe about training and getting faster. ...
Sep 22, 2020
Problem Labeling
As coaches, our success is largely determined by our ability to solve problems. These problems could directly relate to performance in...
Sep 15, 2020
Baggage Part III
In part II, we explored physiological baggage. Physiological baggage is usually evident to coaches, as we can see the changes in...
Sep 8, 2020
Baggage Part II
In part I, we introduced the concept of baggage and how it can potentially affect technique if coaches aren’t aware of the potential...
Sep 1, 2020
Baggage Part I
Baggage is the stuff that we don’t want that comes with the stuff we do want. It’s the extra we’d rather do without. In the coaching...
Aug 25, 2020
Lose the Battle, Win the War
In sport, there is often a focus on the immediate future, and swimming is no exception. How do we get results now, and what do we need...
Aug 18, 2020
Checking the Boxes Part II
In Part I, attention was brought to the need to consider planning training from physiological, technical, and psychological perspectives....
Aug 11, 2020
Checking the Boxes Part I
When designing training sessions, the goal should always be to optimize the opportunities to improve performance. We want to provide as...
Aug 4, 2020
Why Bad Practices Are Great
Over time, our performances reflect our averages. Meet performances are typically the average of our training performance. Championship...
Jun 23, 2020
Consciousness and Competence
I’d like to take a different perspective on one of the commonly accepted paradigms in motor learning. If we’re going to be effective in...
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