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Jan 29, 2019
Accountability is critically important in any high-performance environment. While it is challenging for any one individual to meet or...
Jan 22, 2019
Going Dry Part II- Postural Alignment and Stability
As referenced in the introductory article, maintaining postural alignment and stability is the fundamental skill that supports fast...
Jan 15, 2019
The importance of finding a good mentor is often impressed upon young coaches, and rightfully so. It can be a colossal difference maker....
Jan 8, 2019
Going Dry Part I- An Introduction
Land training for swimming is controversial. It’s under-emphasized, over-emphasized, or simply ignored. While most coaches believe it...
Jan 1, 2019
An Issue of Essence
Coaches operate in a complex environment where multiple factors interact to produce great performances. Coaches are constantly bombarded...
Dec 25, 2018
Got It?
As coaches, we try to impart some sort of wisdom or knowledge to our swimmers on a daily basis. The impact of that message will depend on...
Dec 18, 2018
Under The Sea
Dolphin kick is a stroke like all the others and must be trained as such if swimmers expect to improve their underwater ability. As...
Dec 11, 2018
Batman Vs. Superman
Batman and Superman are two of the most popular superheroes from the comic book world. Both have a strong record of fighting crime and...
Dec 4, 2018
It's Not What You See. It's What You Don't See.
It's not about what you see. It's what you don't see. This is some of the best coaching advice I have ever come across. It probably...
Nov 27, 2018
As coaches, one of our directives is to enhance the skillsets of the swimmers we work with. One of the critical aspects of skill...

Nov 20, 2018
Under Construction
It is through the completion of training sets and training sessions that swimmers ultimately move closer to or further from their goals. ...
Nov 13, 2018
If It Makes You Happy
When considering the effectiveness of a given practice, coaches often evaluate the volume and intensity of the work performed, the...
Nov 6, 2018
In Deference to Differences
In the past, we have looked to the champions of the day to inform about effective technique. This strategy can be fruitful for...
Oct 30, 2018
Definitely, Maybe
The Complementary Nature of Confidence and Curiosity Successful people in all contexts possess high levels of confidence. They believe...
Oct 23, 2018
Top Down
Everyone is listening to what you say, and how you say it. More importantly, everyone is watching what you do, and how you do it. Always....
Oct 16, 2018
Communication, Beliefs, and Tone
An underappreciated skill in coaching is managing tone when communicating with swimmers. While what you say certainly matters, and...
Oct 9, 2018
The Strokes Simplified VI- Underwater Kicking
As with all strokes, great dolphin kicking is the result of the same principles for fast swimming- increased propulsion, reduced...
Oct 2, 2018
Find A Way
In competition, swimmers are all by themselves. They alone must overcome whatever technical, physiological, psychological, and emotional...
Sep 25, 2018
The Strokes Simplified V- Butterfly
As with all strokes, great butterfly is the result of the same principles for fast swimming- increased propulsion, reduced resistance,...
Sep 18, 2018
Show Them The Money
We all perceive reality in our own way. In some cases, these perceptions serve us very well. In other cases, our current perceptions...
Sep 11, 2018
The Strokes Simplified IV- Freestyle
As with all strokes, great freestyle is the result of the same principles for fast swimming- increased propulsion, reduced resistance,...
Sep 4, 2018
Teacher, Leave Them Kids Alone
When considering the effectiveness of any skill acquisition intervention, the ultimate litmus test is whether the desired changes show up...
Aug 28, 2018
The Strokes Simplified III- Breaststroke
As with all strokes, great breaststroke is the result of the same principles for fast swimming- increased propulsion, reduced resistance,...
Aug 21, 2018
Fire, Water, and Trust
Below is one of my favorite parables. It is simple, yet hugely impactful. While coaches may be tempted to share this message with their...
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